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Thoughts to Think Upon


When I pass away from this physical side of life, I will take with me all of my inner work. What I have gained and lost in compassion, acceptance, forbearance, my kindness with others.  I will not take with me anything I have purchased with money.  So how much of my time should I spend on me, and how much of my time into the gathering of things? 


I do not have a Soul,  I am a Soul that is using a Body.


Living in The Now:  There is value in knowing where I am now, where I have been, and where I am going.  However most important is that I  Grow, improve, become a better me, from where I am right now.  I am dealing with my past uncompassionate actions, now, through the circumstances I am presently in, now.  I am creating my future with my new actions and thoughts, now.  Are my actions compassionate or uncompassionate, now?  So,  Be mindful of my thoughts and actions, now.  Work on my issues my personality my wounded heart now, step forward into action now.  Am I using spending my time, wisely compassionately, now?


Said another way; The pathway to the top of the mountain of myself, must be climbed scaled conquered.  There are no shortcuts.  I must know every, grain of sand, bolder, rock, crevice, outcropping of myself.  When I know myself, all of my habits shortcomings issues, my ego, then I can conquer myself heal myself, be the master of the mountain of me.  It can be a long hard climb or short and quick.  It all depends on how honestly I truthfully see myself, my life situations and relationships. Honesty is the key to progress.


These are the steps in the process of the restoration and healing of me.

Said another way,  Sorting through the mountain of my baggage.


It is all about processing in order to heal my Souls wounds.


 This problem did not come to me to stay, it came to me to assist me in learning my lesson for my growth as a person, and then it will pass, when I have learned this lesson.




My Connection to the Universe is through my Heart, Not through my thinking mind.

Search Listen With My Heart … for my answers.



Meditation:  is my telephone, the bridge of communication to Spirit, to my Guidance, to the Creative Divine Force.  Shouldn’t we be on that phone call a lot?  Praying is when I am asking, meditation is when I am listening for the answers to my questions my prayers.  My connection to Spirit is through my heart, not my through my thinking mind.  Meditation stills and quiets my mind, so that I can hear my guidance.  My guidance speaks in a normal volume; it is just that my mind is so loud and active it drowns out the Divine’s Voice.  The more I heal the wounds of my heart, my issues, my buttons that can be pushed, the clearer stronger my connection will be with my Guidance. Meditation.






  When I cut a piece of wood with a saw the byproduct is sawdust.  The purpose in cutting the wood is to construct something, a home for example. The sawdust is only a byproduct it was not the purpose, the intent, the thing sought-after. Sawdust is the result of constructive well-meaning work in the building of something of value.


  Listen carefully; this is going to be hard to hear, to accept.  Sawdust is precisely, exactly the same as clairvoyance, being intuitive, perceptive, being telepathic, hearing my voice within.  The hearing of my guidance is a byproduct of my spiritual growth from working on my lessons, my issues. Building my home my self, constructing me with a good sturdy foundation, seeing that each room each aspect of myself is carefully crafted, this construction of me is what produced my sawdust of clairvoyance.  


A Star is Born when theses not so good parts of our selves are healed cleaned away.

Then we are a polished Soul,  So we Shine like a Star.

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